Breastfeeding Support
Deciding whether or not to breastfeed is one of many important decisions for new parents. The Birthplace's breastfeeding support team helps make breastfeeding an enjoyable experience for mom, baby and family. Services include prenatal breastfeeding classes, visits during the hospital stay and a postpartum moms support group.
Breastfeeding Education
Learn more about breastfeeding from internationally board-certified lactation consultants during our breastfeeding class. This class covers topics such as:
- Benefits of breastfeeding
- Starting early skin-to-skin contact/baby-led feeding
- Positioning and latching
- Maintaining a good milk supply
- Hand expressing and use of a breast pump
- Special mom concerns (adoption, breast augmentation/reduction, engorgement, PCOS/infertility/hypothyroidism, working moms and more)
- Special baby concerns (multiples, down syndrome, prematurity, cleft lip or palate)
Donate Breast Milk
To become a breastmilk donor, call (260) 416-3240 or (317) 536-1670
Visit The Milk Bank's website for more information.
When a mother's milk is not available, pasteurized human donor milk can provide a healthy alternative. Human donor milk contains multiple immune properties not present in formula. In addition, it reduces the chance of infection, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a life-threatening intestinal condition, and sepsis and can reduce the length of a hospital stay.
Human donor milk is prescribed for:
- Congenital abnormalities
- Feeding intolerance
- Immunologic deficiencies
- Malabsorption
- Postoperative nutrition
- Prematurity
Lutheran Health Network has partnered with The Milk Bank to make donating milk easy. The Milk Depot at Dupont Hospital provides a place for moms to not only drop off human milk donations, but also to get their blood drawn and collect Milk Depot information.